Washington Written Drivers Permit Practice Test 2024 - Free Written Drivers Permit Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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On a road with three or more lanes traveling in the same direction, the leftmost lane is intended to be used for?

Exiting the road

Slowing down

Traveling at the speed limit

Passing slower vehicles

On a road with three or more lanes traveling in the same direction, the leftmost lane is typically designated for passing slower vehicles. This lane is often referred to as the "fast lane" or "passing lane." It is important to use this lane for passing only and then move back to the right once you have overtaken the slower vehicle. This helps maintain a smooth flow of traffic and ensures safety on the road. While it is important to follow the speed limit, traveling at the speed limit is not the sole purpose of the leftmost lane. Slowing down should be done gradually with caution, rather than being the main purpose of the left lane. Exiting the road would typically require using an exit ramp on the right side of the road, so the leftmost lane is not intended for this maneuver.


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